Application Form

We have a few options to apply for jobs with Team Support Healthcare.

For access to all features, please create an account here.

Alternatively complete our application form below, or download out editable application form here.

All candidates must have at least 6 months experience in the job role they wish to be placed

(Need to advise applicant that we will require references covering the 3-year period. MUST include one from current employer. If Full-time agency, please refer to compliance team/officer. COMPLETE Work History is mandatory with months and years.)
(For EU and non-Eu; we require them to send us a Share Code printout)

Mandatory Training and other training

(Remind applicant that training proofs must be CSTF/Skills for htealth aligned)
For applicant doing an EPP, they require additional blood tests results for HIV, Hep C/ Hep B Surface Antigen- All MUST be IVS)